Banque de Son


Nous avons parcouru le Canada, de la côte est à la côte ouest, mais aussi du nord à la frontière sud avec les USA pour capturer l’esprit de ce pays fantastique et ses paysages sauvages:
forêts boréales infinies, immenses lacs, rivières de montagne, torrents, océan, plaines, toundra alpine, chaînes de montagnes, grottes et environnements urbains.

Au cours de 3 mois, nous avons capturé des paysages sonores calmes de gigantesques forêts boréales peuplées uniquement d’oiseaux et d’écureuils. Nous sommes allés jusqu’au bout de la route nord, au bord de la baie Saint-James, là où les vents de glace de l’Arctique rencontraient la toundra et l’extrémité de la forêt boréale.
Nous avons découvert de nombreux lacs et rivières qui caractérisent ce pays sauvage. Nous avons traversé les gigantesques plaines du Manitoba pour rejoindre les Rocheuses et la Colombie-Britannique.

Notre nouvelle librairie sonore est disponible sur :

CANADA – Ambisonic Overview

We traveled across Canada, from the east coast to the west coast, and from the north to the Southern American border to capture the spirit of this fantastic country and its wild landscapes:
infinite forest and boreal forest, huge lakes, mountain rivers, torrents, ocean, plains, alpine tundra, mountain ranges, caves, and also city environments.

Over the course of 3 months we captured quiet soundscapes from gigantic boreal forests only populated by birds and squirrels. We went to the end of the north road, to the edge of the Saint James Bay, where the ice winds of the Arctic met the tundra and the end of the boreal forest.
We discovered many lakes and rivers that characterize this wild country. We crossed the gigantic plains of Manitoba to join the Rocky Mountains and the British Colombia.

Facing this wilderness, we did not forget the cities and its humans: In Montreal and Ottawa we captured many atmospheres: markets, urban parks, streets and pedestrian areas.

-> We went record in these locations: Nova Scotia, Montreal, Ottawa, Tadoussac, Bois Robert, Bay James, Ruppert river, Harricana river, Temiscaming forest, Chapleau Faunetic Reserve, Ontario Forest, Manitoba’s prairies, Northern Rocky Mountains, Salmon Glacier, Lynn canyon, Callaghan lake, Jasper.
-> All GPS coordinate are include in the sound sheet.

-The sound bank contains 68 sound takes (total duration: 329 minutes), recorded in 24/96 kHz and split into 272 files


Notre nouvelle librairie sonore est disponible sur :

Wilderness Americas: Amazon Rainforest est une collection de sons capturés dans la partie occidentale du bassin amazonien (El Oriente) dans 3 pays d’Amérique du Sud: la Bolivie, l’Équateur et la Colombie.

Cette bibliothèque se concentre sur les sons de la faune et de la nature de la forêt amazonienne.
Atteindre la région amazonienne n’est pas facile et nécessite beaucoup de ressources et de temps.
De plus, les conditions météorologiques sont très mauvaises et font souffrir les personnes ainsi que l’équipement audio: l’humidité extrême, la pluie et la chaleur ne fonctionnent pas très bien avec les microphones et les enregistreurs.
Nous avons sélectionné des équipements audio spécialement conçus à cet effet: Microphones tropicalisés: séries Sennheiser MKH 8020 et MKH 30 en configuration surround + enregistreur de renommée mondiale: Sound devices Mixpre 10T. Nous avons également apporté une protection de microphone résistant à l’humidité (Cinela)
Cette configuration résistante aux intempéries nous a permis d’enregistrer même sous de fortes pluies tropicales. (Nous avons également une housse de micro spéciale qui réduit le bruit des gouttes de pluie sur le microphone)

Nous nous sommes toujours concentrés sur les lieux qui protègent et respectent la «Selva» (forêt), en particulier des lieux tels que les parcs nationaux, les stations de recherche ou les lieux communautaires.

-> Nous sommes allés enregistrer dans ces lieux:

-Parc national de Madidi (BOLIVIE),

-Parc national de Podocarpus (Équateur),

-Station biologique «Jatun Sasha» (Équateur),

-La forêt autour du Rio Napo (lien riche avec l’Amazone) (Équateur),

-La «Réserve de production faunistique Cuyabeno» (Équateur)

-La région autour de Mocoa, entre le canyon de Santa Rosa et la réserve de Paway (Colombie).

Nous avons utilisé la technique du «piège à son» pour les enregistrements longs et immersifs: nous avons caché les microphones et protégé les enregistreurs dans un sac étanche et les avons laissés ainsi pendant des jours et des nuits au milieu de la forêt tropicale (généralement 24 heures d’enregistrement non-stop).
Ce système nous a permis d’enregistrer le lever du soleil, le chorus de l’aube et le coucher du soleil – les moments où les animaux sont les plus actifs.
Voici quelques animaux que nous avons enregistrés:

Divers oiseaux exotiques, en particulier perroquets, perruches, coucous, Oro Pendulo, caciques, pies, etc.
De nombreux insectes, notamment des grillons, cigales, moustiques, mouches, etc.
Mammifère: écureuil volant d’Amazonie, singes araignées et singes hurleurs
Amphibiens: Grenouilles, Crapauds

Chaque enregistrement sonore est géolocalisé avec les coordonnées GPS et les métadonnées complètes de Soundminer.

-La banque de sons complète (Stéréo + Surround / Ambisonic) contient 117 prises de son enregistrées en 24 / 96khZ (durée totale de 566 minutes) et déclinées en 351 fichiers.


Hey audio folks! our new sound library : « WILDERNESS AMERICAS : GEYSER AND VOLCANO » is out on asoundeffect :…/wilderness-americas-geyser-…/

“Wilderness Americas : Geyser and Volcano” is a collection of sounds focused on geothermal phenomena of Central and North America.

We recorded geysers in the Yellowstone National Park (USA) and two very actives volcanoes: the Fuego in Guatemala, and the Masaya in Nicaragua.

To complete this sound library, we added natural sound elements which are very efficient for sound design as designed sound material:

“Super volcano” eruption sounds, magma lake ebullition sounds, lava movement, and landslide sounds.

The geyser and Masaya volcano sounds (magma lake, lava movement) were recorded with the Telinga Parabola with a Sennheiser MKH 8040. The Telinga was used for its powerful ability to focus on sound details at a reasonable distance.

The explosions and eruptions of the Fuego volcano were recorded in surround with a Sennheiser DMS setup (MKH 8040-30) and also with the Telinga Parabola + MKH 8020.

-This sound bank contains 56 sound takes recorded in 24/96 kHz, and a total of 122 files.



Hey! Our new sound library « City Life : CENTRAL AMERICA » is now live on asoundeffect :…/city-life-central-america/

« City Life : Central America » is a collection of sounds captured across 3 country of central america : Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua.
This library focus on city atmosphere, especially in street/cover markets, pedestrian areas, parks, and many more.
The sounds captured in Mexico show a more « modern » spanish atmosphere, compared to the Maya’s markets of Guatemala, where the people speak a mix of spanish and k’iche'(traditional mayan language used in some parts of Guatemala)
For this 3 country we visit a large amount of cities (x10) to captured the exceptional urban soundscape of central america.


Available on A Sound Effect :

For this sound effects library, we traveled across Alaska, from the extreme north to the south coast to capture the spirit of these nordic and wild landscapes: Boreal forests, arctic and alpin tundras, glaciers, rivers, and lakes.

Here the soundscapes reflect the extreme weather conditions: Silent ambiances punctuated by the elements: Wind, snow, rain, serving the erosion.

In this wilderness, animals remain discreet. We had the chance to capture many birds with our microphones: Owls, ducks, seagulls, trumpeter swans, bald eagles, common ravens, migratory birds, and many other species – and a few other animals: Hoary marmots, arctic marmots, squirrels and moose.

-The sound bank contains 66 sound takes recorded in ambisonic at 24/96khZ (a total of 330 files).

here is an exemple of an ambisonic recording embeded in a 360° movie (go on youtube to listen the 360° sound) :

Recordings include:

The 66 sound takes include sounds of:

– 20 sound takes recorded in the Boreal Forest.
– 17 sound takes recorded in Tundra environment.
– 17 sound takes recorded in Glacier environment (glacier, ice cavern, icefield)
– 4 sound takes recorded in the Rain Forest of the south coast of Alaska.
– 5 sound takes related to River and creek.
– 3 sound takes related to the Pacific Ocean.

• We went to record in these different locations: inside the Arctic Circle to the Brooks Range, Chena River Forest, Denali National Park, Hatcher Pass, Portage Valley, Byron Glacier, Portage Glacier, Harding Icefield, Lowell Point, Lake Louise, Wrangell Saint Elias Natinal Park, Chicken Area, Hyder.
• All GPS coordinates are include in the sound sheet.


-The sound bank contains 66 sound takes recorded in 24/96khZ in 330 files:

– 66 B Format (AmbiX) files, for use directly in 360° movies or VR applications, or to be decoded in many differents formats (binaural, 7.1, 5.1, stéréo, mono, etc…). To decode it you can use the Harpex plugin or the free Soundfield/Rodes plugin.
– 66 5.0 files, directly decoded from the native A Format from the Sennheiser AMBEO microphone.
– 66 2.0 (stereo) files, directly decoded from the native A Format from the Sennheiser AMBEO microphone.
– 66 1.0 (mono) files, directly decoded from the native A Format from the Sennheiser AMBEO microphone, for use directly as 3D sources in games or 360° movies or VR applications.
– 66 original files, without any treatment (EQ) except the A/B conversion from the AMBEO plugin from Sennheiser (B Format – AmbiX)

Recording equipment:

-Sound Device Mixpre 10T
-Ambisonic FORMAT B Files/5.0/2.0/1.0 : Sennheiser AMBEO


Available on A Sound Effect :

We had the chance to make the crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean on a cargo ship container (ATLANTIC STAR).
We boarded in the Antwerp industrial port in Belgium, sailed the English Channel, and then stopped at Liverpool’s industrial port.
Then we crossed the North Atlantic Ocean to reach Halifax, Canada. This trip took us 10 days, 10 days of sounds recording.

Through this trip, we were able to access places that normally are closed to the public: industrial ports, and a container ship.

-The completed sound bank (Stereo + Surround-Ambisonic) contains 154 files record in 24 bit / 96 kHz

-The completed sound bank (Stereo + Surround-Ambisonic) contains 154 files record in 24/96khZ:

1-Industrial harbour part:
-19 stereo ambient sound recording of Liverpool and Antwerpen industrial Harborrecorded while crane are loading the boat with container (including sound of : general ambiance with : Cranes, siren, container, seagulls, distant traffic, horn, distant and close workers)
-13 surround 5.0 ambient sound recording of Liverpool and Antwerpen industrial Harborrecorded while crane are loading the boat with container (including sound of : general ambiance with : Cranes, siren, container, seagulls, distant traffic, horn, distant and close workers)
-13 raw DMS ambient sound recording of Liverpool and Antwerpen industrial Harbor, recorded while crane are loading the boat with container (including sound of : general ambiance with : Cranes, siren, container, seagulls, distant traffic, horn, distant and close workers)

2-Container ship part:
-38 stereo ambient sound recorded during the North Atlantic Ocean boat crossing (including sound of : wind, sail, waves, motor, fan, funnel, fog horn, roomtones)
-31 surround 5.0 ambient sound recorded during the North Atlantic Ocean boat crossing (including sound of : wind, sail, waves, motor, fan, funnel, fog horn, roomtones)
-21 raw DMS files recorded during the North Atlantic Ocean boat crossing (including sound of : wind, sail, waves, motor, fan, funnel, fog horn, roomtones)
-10 ambisonic B format files recorded during the North Atlantic Ocean boat crossing (including sound of : wind, sail, waves, motor, fan, funnel, fog horn, roomtones)
-09 mono Contact mic drone recorded during the North Atlantic Ocean boat crossing (including sound of : vibration, motor resonance, sailing crack, rattle and sub frequency drone)

-> Stereo sound bank contains only the stereo and mono files (66 files)
-> Surround-ambisonic sound bank contains all stereo/mono files + all surround files + all raw DMS and Ambisonics original files (154 files)

Recording equipment:
-Sound Device Mixpre 10T
-DMS/5.0/2.0 Files : x2 Sennheiser MKH 8040 / x1 Sennheiser MKH 30
-Stereo ORTF Files : x2 Sennheiser MKH 8040
-Ambisonic FORMAT B Files/5.0/2.0 : Sennheiser AMBEO
-Contact Mic Files : Aquarian H2a-XLR Hydrophone